Twin Saga to release patch early April, game coming to Steam

A new producer letter for Twin Saga has detailed what is to happen in the coming weeks, with the upcoming patch finally about to be released early April. The patch is currently in QA and Aeria Games is promising a compensation for the delay, which is a couple of items.

The letter also addresses the departure of several Game Masters since the beginning of the year, something that is explained by the fact that “they were all veterans in Aeria Games and after several years of (great) service, have taken on new opportunities and roles to keep developing as it happens everywhere. Replacements are however already there to make sure we keep the communities supported.”

Developer X-Legend will begin working on making Twin Saga available on Steam as soon as the patch is live, and also start working on the next content update. It all ends with a teaser of a character, which could perhaps be a new class?


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