Hunt Showdown gameplay video from E3 is moody and creepy

Hunt Showdown gameplay video

Crytek has just released the Hunt Showdown gameplay video that was recently doing the rounds during E3 2017. However, this time there's no background noise, it's just Hunt Creative Director Magnus Larbrant and Level Design Director Chris Auty chatting while playing. They detail a traditional match of Hunt: Showdown and it's nice to see that the game puts an original spin on the tired multiplayer shooter genre.

If you didn't see the original video, this HD version will take you through a dark Louisiana swamp while hunting a monstrous spider. Considering that Hunt: Showdown is described as a “first-person PvP monster hunter game”, you can expect this to be just one of several creatures to hunt. Players will search for clues telling the whereabouts of the creature and ultimately defeat it in a terrifying showdown. After that, it's time to banish it, but this will alert everyone else about your location and a terrible battle will surely ensue. Considering that this is a pre-alpha version, don't worry about the occasional frame rate drop, and just enjoy the moody and creepy environment. For what it's worth, we don't remember seeing a high-profile multiplayer shooter with such an oppressive ambiance.

Hunt: Showdown is not just about you and your friend hunting. Four other teams of two are also searching for the creatures and the bounty that comes with it. Matches can last between 20 and 40 minutes for the average player – the video was edited to better show the gameplay experience.

Crytek mentions that Hunt: Showdown will launch for PC, and there's no official word on a console release that we know of. While Hunt: Horrors of the Gilded Age was announced as free-to-play, this utterly revamped version's business model is yet to be revealed, although Crytek told us to be a bit patient as more news will come “over the upcoming weeks”.

Watch the Hunt Showdown gameplay video from E3 2017 right below.

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