Warframe is going open world with groundbreaking Plains of Eidolon

Warframe Plains of Eidolon

Warframe is about to see a revolution with the upcoming Plains of Eidolon update. One of the most appreciated and populated free games ever, Warframe is getting even better when developer Digital Extremes releases the Plains of Eidolon update sometime during this year. During the latest Tennocon which took place on July 8, 2017 in London, Ontario, an exciting 17-minute gameplay video from Plains of Eidolon was revealed and the crowd went nuts. We have to agree with them.

Plains of Eidolon introduces the first Landscape, a huge open world area that is bigger than anything you've ever seen in Warframe, and you're free to explore it as you wish. You can summon your Archwing for air travel or battle, hunt resources in rivers and streams, and when night falls, horrible creatures appear and scare even the tenacious Grineer. Holy smokes, Warframe is pretty much going open world survival! Plains of Eidolon includes the safe zone Cetus, a town where you meet its inhabitants, the Ostrons. You can explore the place and see what they have to sell you, look for quests, storylines and news from the people in the town.

A Warframe comic was released and you can read it here for free. There's another reveal which includes the Umbra warframe, which is coming with an update titled Sacrifice.

We can only hope that this sets the future plans for Warframe, with more Landscapes and open world gameplay. Some players are already saying that this could rival Bungie's Destiny 2, and who are we to say otherwise?

Digital Extremes is a Canadian studio that deserves all the acclaim it can get for Warframe, but this wasn't the studio's first game (Dark Sector and The Darkness 2, to name just a few). Looking into the future, we can't wait for Keystone, a first-person shooter with deck-building and an aesthetic meant to represent the look and feel of the 1970’s retro-pulp era.

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