Continent of the Ninth Seal gets the Light and Darkness update

Light and Darkness update

Continent of the Ninth Seal has just received a new content update called Light and Darkness. C9, as it is also widely known, is one of the proper action combat MMORPGs and could be considered the precursor of Black Desert Online, seeing that Pearl Abyss was founded by the maker of Continent of the Ninth Seal, Daeil Kim in September 2010, along with art director Seo Yongsu.

As for the Light and Darkness update, it increases the level cap to 75 and introduces the Shadow World. This brings the new Shadow Dungeons, five in total: Hidden Valley of Wind, Fragments of Kodes, Dying Forest of Eternity, Schuternen Forest Logging Camp and Abyssal Underways.

The update also introduces Akene's Oracle System, where players are granted special rewards for their heroic adventures. By clearing stages or playing in the arena you'll earn Akene Points to purchase special rewards, including Legendary weapons.

If you want to jump in C9, there's no better time than now, as you can get a free pack in our Continent of the Ninth Seal Free Light and Darkness Pack Giveaway.

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