Monster Hunter-like co-op RPG Dauntless enters open beta in early 2018

Dauntless enters open beta

The monster hunting co-op online action RPG Dauntless enters open beta in early 2018, developer Phoenix Labs has announced. Contrary to the initial reports that pointed to a fall 2017 open beta, Dauntless is going to remain in closed testing for a few months more.

This reveal is part of the Dauntless roadmap that the studio has shared with everyone. This document will see some changes (“it is a living document that will grow, shift, and change over time”), but is good enough to give us a general idea on what is coming. It's quite frankly very exciting if you like Dauntless, as you can see several new behemoths already done and even multi-behemoth combat (holy crap!). A new region is pretty much ready, the sand-covered Arid Biome, and the future will bring endgame content, more behemoths, localization, additional combat attacks (including aerial combat) and much more.

The developers seem to know what they are doing and where they're heading, taking a lot of player feedback to improve the game. We're curious to see how Dauntless will grow during the following months.

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