Hyper universe adds lovely witch Shasha, play free until October 23

Hyper universe Shasha

Just in time for Halloween, Hyper Universe sees the arrival of the lovely little witch Shasha. She is a specialist that uses high damage spells and curses.

When swiftly flying on her broom, Shasha is immune to launch and knockdown effects. She also brings her cute cat along for the fight, and the kitten (called Kinny, by the way) is capable of aiding with mana regeneration or increased health and health regen. Other Shasha skills are more focused on attacks, and her ultimate, Sentinel Crystal, deals a lot of damage.

You can get Shasha for 5,000 GP or use a Hyper Coupon, which you can earn by leveling up and playing games. Watch a couple of her skills below (Wicked Bolts and Shasha's ultimate, Sentinel Crystal).

Hyper Universe is currently in paid early access but unless Nexon decides to move the game to the official free-to-play release, it could be in trouble: the player count is extremely low for any MOBA with true ambitions. It's a good thing that Hyper Universe will be free to play until October 23 at 11 a.m. PT and players who reach account level 7 will be rewarded with permanent access to the game through the Nexon Launcher beyond this trial period.

Hyper universe Shasha

Hyper universe Shasha

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