ArcheAge Maelstrom takes you to high sea battles in December

ArcheAge Maelstrom

The ArcheAge Maelstrom 4.0 update is coming on December 6 to in North America and Europe and takes players to some hopefully exciting PvP naval combat.

Trion Worlds settled on the name Maelstrom and the release date for this update. ArcheAge Maelstrom is going to introduce the first PvP naval arena in this sandbox game, Bloodsalt Bay, a battleground for 20 players. You can control your ship's crew of five into the high waters and battle monsters and terrors of the deep, as well as three other crews.

This update also brings a new open-world raid finder, the Raid Recruitment Board, making the process of finding a group easier. It also introduces a revamped Gem system and updates the crafting system.


ArcheAge Maelstrom

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