Magic: The Gathering Arena invites going out, NDA lifts

Magic: The Gathering Arena closed beta

Wizards of the Coast will be ramping up the promotion for its upcoming Magic: The Gathering Arena game. Currently in closed beta, this digital TCG is going to welcome many more players as the developers send a ton of invites.

Magic: The Gathering Arena should get 100,000 additional players during the next few weeks, and with the lifting of the non-disclosure agreement, you can expect a lot of streaming going on. This new update also means that all current player accounts will be wiped, so you can say goodbye to your progress – this was expected, unless you're completely new to alphas and betas. The wipe is mostly due to the addition of new starting collections, with ten preconstructed decks, translating into more than 300 unique Magic cards.

If you want to get an invite for the Magic: The Gathering Arena closed beta, you can sign up and hope for the best.

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