Zero-K is an awesome and free real-time strategy game

Zero-K free game

Do you remember the times of Total Annihilation, this awesome real-time strategy game that was perhaps a bit too much for the average player? Well, Zero-K is that and more. What's best is that this game is also free!

Zero-K is available on Steam for everyone to download and the first reviews are through the roof, with a ‘very positive' rating. Some players are saying that this RTS is a lot of fun and they can't believe just how such a game was released for free, as it rivals with the big boys (read full-price games). Zero-K was “made by gamers for gamers”, and features a solo mode with over 70 missions as well as the mandatory multiplayer (1v1, 16v16, FFA and co-op).

What's even more awesome is that Zero-K features freeform real-time terraforming, something that can be used to greatly influence gameplay. You can build ramps or create water channels to allow your naval units to reach the enemy base, among many other possibilities. You can't gain any sort of advantage by paying, but you can support the developers by purchasing a DLC, which is in fact a donation more than anything.

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