Tango 5 Reloaded extends its open beta for further improvements

Tango 5 Reloaded open beta

Nexon's free-to-play tactical RPG Tango 5 Reloaded is in open beta for a few days now and the team wanted to thank everyone for the support and feedback they are getting. On top of this, and due to a long and unexpected maintenance, they have decided to extend the open beta period for a few more days, right until August 5, 2018.

The extra time will be used to add or modify some features, including changing the default control configuration, improve the visibility of the action bar UI, speeding up the lobby waiting times, adding a game client app functionality and getting some servers up and running in Europe and South America.

As they usually say, it takes two to tango, but in the case of this game, it takes four. Versus four. Just wanted to leave this pun here.

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