MapleStory 2 official launch date announcement announced

MapleStory 2 official launch date

Confused by the headline? Well, don't be, as it's all pretty easy to understand. Nexon is yet to announce the MapleStory 2 official launch date, something that many players are eagerly waiting for, and instead of doing so, they decided to announce… the announcement date. That's marketing 101 for you.

Nexon is going to announced the MapleStory 2 official launch date on August 21, during a MapleStory 2 Premiere Event held in Los Angeles. Apart from that, the team will also talk about the future content schedule of the game, also known as roadmap. If you are lucky enough to attend the event (assuming that you are either a press member or one of the selected content creators from MapleStory 2's closed betas), you get the chance to demo new content and participate in a Q&A session with the developers.

And now, to end things on a overly sweet and diabetes-inducing note, here's this MapleStory 2 gif.

MapleStory 2 official launch date cute girl

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