Neverwinter: The Heart of Fire is a collaboration with Penny Arcade’s Acquisitions Inc.

Neverwinter Heart of Fire penny arcade

With the 14th module, Ravenloft, recently released on consoles, Cryptic Studios is already announcing the next update for the free Dungeons and Dragons MMORPG Neverwinter. This time there is an interesting collaboration at play as well.

The Heart of Fire is the name of the next module, which will release on PC on November 6 and features Acquisitions Incorporated, the famed Dungeons & Dragons adventuring company created by Penny Arcade’s founders. The module will include an original Acquisitions Incorporated adventure featuring the voices of Jerry Holkins, Mike Krahulik and Amy Falcone, with a more humorous take on storytelling.

“We’ve looked for opportunities to work with the talented folks behind Acquisitions Incorporated for a long while now and the stars have finally aligned,” said Gordon Fong, executive producer on Neverwinter. “Many members of the team are huge fans of the world Mike and Jerry have created, so bringing their stories into the game was both an honor and a pleasure. Both fans of Neverwinter and those new to the game have a lot to look forward to in this module. From a witty writing style that’s unlike previous tales we’ve told, to the exciting antics that await freshly minted Acq. Inc. employees, we know there’s something in The Heart of Fire for every D&D fan.”

Apart from the new campaign, the Professions system will be overhauled, allowing players to own and managed their personalized workshop in Protector’s Enclave.

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