Bless Online goes free-to-play on October 23, better late than never

Bless Online goes free-to-play

Bless Online goes free-to-play on October 23, Neowiz has just announced. After months of negative feedback and a general despise for what was once a highly anticipated MMORPG, the game is finally reverting to its original free-to-play business model when the official launch happens.

Neowiz says that it wants to “introduce as many people as possible to the feature-complete form of Bless Online”, and that it has received “invaluable feedback and support from our Founders, players, and community members.” Forgive me if I sound bitter, but after the colossal mistake that was charging for Early Access and delivering a broken, buggy experience, I find it hard to believe in this “feature-complete form of Bless Online” and also on the invaluable feedback part – it was clear that Bless Online needed further development and I doubt that these five months of Early Access did any good to the game.

Luckily, there are some in-game rewards for those who purchased Bless Online during the Early Access phase. These are dependent on the game pack tier and range from premium membership time, exclusive mount and costume skins, and other items.

Are you still excited for Bless Online or do you feel that the damage is done?

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