Torchlight Frontiers is in polish mode, Doggo loves loot

Torchlight Frontiers is in polish mode

Echtra Games has revealed what it has been up to on Torchlight Frontiers recently, after the exciting times when it discussed horizontal progression system with the help of a livestream.

The recent update isn't as exciting, since the team has been focusing on polish during this milestone. This means that there was a lot of bug hunting and squashing, with few new features going into the game at the moment. One thing that they worked on was waypoints – more of them were added, contrary to the plan of making them fairly rare. The initial plan of having fewer waypoints went against the desire to make the world feel big, and it felt like you were losing progress.

Party function got a lot of work, with feedback when something happens to a party member. The loading screen now has a spinner, so you'll notice if it is loading or if it crashed on your face.

There are a few other details, some of them too technical to really worry about. So, without further delay, we'll leave you with this lovely Doggo picture below, and “May your loot be ever glorious!”

Torchlight Frontiers is in polish mode

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