Ascent: Infinite Realm shows housing and more from latest version

Ascent: Infinite Realm shows housing

Bluehole has once again showed a few Ascent: Infinite Realm screenshots, as if trying to make up for the long absence that followed the initial reveal. This fantasy steampunk MMORPG is being worked on and while the developers don't want to show a gameplay video straight away, they are reassuring their fans.

A few days ago it was a couple of screens portraying the PvP arena, and now we got hold of a handful of new pictures. The first three give us a glimpse on the housing system, while the fourth screen is all about a boss battle. Finally, the fifth screenshot is probably meant to represent a bucolic marketplace.

We managed to get some details on the housing system. Bluehole says that there are individual housing areas spread across the Harth region and players are able to purchase a house with gold. You can decorate your house with various items and furniture and invite your friends. This housing area is conveniently located near the Hunting Zone.

Bluehole mentions that “unfortunately [it will] still take a while until we have a proper Beta version ready for testing”, so don't hold your breath.

Ascent: Infinite Realm shows housing

Ascent: Infinite Realm shows housing

Ascent: Infinite Realm shows housing

Ascent: Infinite Realm shows housing

Ascent: Infinite Realm shows housing

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