Aion’s next class is a rad female graffiti artist that attacks with paint

Aion next class graffiti artist

NCsoft has just announced the next class in the works for Aion Korea and this one is fairly unusual. We are used to see some anachronistic stuff coming to this MMORPG, but as far as classes go, this is probably the most outlandish. Her original name is 채화성, but since there is no clear translation to it, we'll call it graffiti artist. She looks more like a character out of a hero shooter, or Nintendo's Splatoon, for that matter, but I'm not complaining.

However, many Aion fans are, judging by the feedback from the YouTube announcements. This class was designed with the aim of being different, and it clearly shows. One of the videos below details the creation process, including some rejected looks (thankfully, as a couple of them were really bad), and weapons such as a huge paintbrush. Her weapon ended up being some sort of dual paint-shooting bracelets as you can see below. The CGI video looks really good, it has to be said, but once again, it seems at odds with the concept of Aion.

This class releases on November 28, 2018 in Korea and will surely hit North America and Europe in early 2019. Her official page is live.

Via MMOCulture

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