Path of Exile PlayStation 4 release delayed to February 2019

Path of Exile PlayStation 4 release delayed

You can forget about the Path of Exile PlayStation 4 release that was planned for early December. Grinding Gear Games just delivered the heartbreaking news that this version was delayed to early February 2019.

Apparently the team underestimated the amount of work that it would take to finish Path of Exile‘s certification process during the always chaotic Christmas period. The studio hopes to have the game ready to go in January, but an early February launch date sounds like a more reasonable release window. It's always good to save some time to iron those final kinks, such as game performance and frame rate.

Grinding Gear Games deeply apologizes to Path of Exile fans who wanted to play the game and the Betrayal content update over Christmas, but come on, cut them some slack as they are awesome! It's not a long wait until February as well, and it is completely worth it.

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