Blame Fortnite? Epic Games stopped development on Unreal Tournament

Epic Games stopped development on Unreal Tournament

Epic Games seems to be too busy with Fortnite Battle Royale and its colossal success to have a second free-to-play game, apparently. First it was the cancelation of third-person MOBA Paragon, and now it's the confirmation that the upcoming version of the classic Unreal Tournament shooter isn't being actively developed anymore.

This isn't exactly recent news; the bulk of the Unreal Tournament team was pulled to work on Fortnite Battle Royale and this was officially revealed way back in September 2017, before the game was incredibly popular.

Early December, when he was asked about the impact that Fortnite's success has on its older games and the new Epic Games Store, Epic Games' CEO Tim Sweeney has told Variety that “Unreal Tournament remains available in the store but isn’t actively developed.”

This is confirmation that the free-to-play, community-driven and community-built Unreal Tournament game is on hold, not to say that it is canceled altogether. It's a shame, as it had tremendous potential and Epic Games seems like one of the few studios that could successfully pull off such an ambitious project.

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