Veterans Online new gameplay shows that war has never been so much fun

Veterans Online gameplay territory control

2019 is off to a great start with the reveal of a new Veterans Online gameplay video. Call me what you want, but I have a soft spot for this top-down shooter. Why, you ask? Because it brings back fond memories of games such as Ikari Warriors, Commando and Cannon Fodder.

It's impossible to forget Sensible Software's timeless tune “War has never been so much fun”.

Veterans Online's new gameplay video shows the Territory Control mode, where you have to stay inside the circle for as long as you can. This will regularly award you with points, with a top score table showing where you stand. You can see the fog of war in action, as well as several weapons, including a bazooka. 

The game boasts impressive fire, water and smoke effects, and while this map is a bit grim, there are others that are way more colorful and fun.

Hopefully, Veterans Online will enter open beta soon, after a delay of almost an entire year from the initial plan.

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