Switchblade Early Access switches to free-to-play beta, future plans discussed

Switchblade Early Access free

Lucid Games has delivered on its promise of changing Switchblade's business model to free-to-play on Steam and PS4. Nonetheless, this milestone doesn't mark the official release, as the vehicular MOBA game remains in the Early Access process for the time being.

With positive reviews but a very low player base, Switchblade is now hopefully going to get a player boost.

Lucid has revealed some of its future plans, which include a new map called Monorail and new vehicles such as The Sundog. Patches should be delivered around twice a month, and an update of the game engine for the latest version of the Unreal Engine is also coming soon.

developer livestream is going to be hosted tomorrow, January 23 at 3pm (GMT), in case you want to ask the team some questions.

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