Bless Unleashed releases a new gameplay video and it looks fairly robust

Bless Unleashed MMORPG Xbox One

Bandai Namco and Round 8 Studios have released a new Bless Unleashed trailer giving us a nice insight into what this free-to-play Unreal Engine 4 MMORPG has on offer. This is an Xbox One exclusive, in case you didn't know yet, but it may end up being ported to PC and/or PS4 if it becomes successful (“coming first to XBOX”, the press blurb says).

The new Bless Unleashed trailer shows the five classes that you get to choose from, talks about the combo system and the importance of dodges and finding the best spots to face your foes, and how the health doesn't replenish itself, unlike most other MMORPGs.

Field bosses are part of the game as well. These are open world encounters against very impressive beasts and require a balanced and well-equipped party to overcome. Dungeons can be challenging as well, with some at the reach of a couple of players, while others require a full party of five heroes.

Bless Unleashed looks better than it has any right to be after the controversy surrounding Bless Online, but it may be the skilled video edition that makes it so appealing. We'll see soon enough, as the release is planned for 2019. Check the official website for more info.

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