Bless Unleashed PlayStation 4 version spotted in Brazil

Bless Unleashed PlayStation 4

Do you know this Bless Unleashed free-to-play MMORPG that is an Xbox One exclusive? Do you also remember how I mentioned that the “coming first to Xbox One” always left me suspicious about the true nature of the exclusivity? Well, apparently I was right.

Buried deep within the files of the Brasilian Rating Organization lies an entry for Bless Unleashed. However, it includes the Xbox One version as well as a previously unheard of PlayStation 4 version.

Of course, this could be a mistake – and no, this is no April Fools' Day joke -, but a PS4 Bless Unleashed is highly likely to be true. The absence of a PC version makes sense, as Neowiz doesn't won't to compete with its own Bless Online game, although they should seriously consider moving on from that game in a year or two, given the state of things.

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