Crossout’s latest update brings new map Sandy Gulf, no, that’s not a girl

Crossout update new map

Don't expect to go driving into Sandy's new map in Crossout, because… well, Sandy isn't a girl here. The Sandy Gulf is, simply put, a map with lots of sand.

Sometime, somewhere, someone in the world probably confused these things up, so you're welcome.

Anyway, Crossout's update 0.10.50 brings the new Sandy Gulf map. This is an arid open area with great visibility and a few nice locations to snipe your fellow wastelanders. This is a map included in the rotation of the Mission mode and is also available in the Custom Battle mode. It looks pretty good but it's understandable that some Crossout players are asking for maps set in other places than sand – being post-apocalyptic doesn't mean that there aren't some places on Earth where nature blooms, or even snow falls? We've seen it before in other games, so take the hint.

The update also brings the new story campaign Contagion, with three additional story tasks for the Adventure mode.

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