Warface is coming to mobile with new global My.Games portal

Warface mobile version

My.com has announced a new “international gaming brand dedicated to supporting the games and worlds you love to play in.” My.Games is the name of this global portal that will support My.com's games such as Skyforge, Armored Warfare, Revelation Online and Warface, along with future titles, both first and third-party.

The My.Games announcement sheds some light on future plans and includes something that I believe it's a first: the reveal of a mobile version of Warface, the acclaimed first-person shooter developed by Crytek.

My.Games enters open beta on June 4 and the medieval MMO Conqueror's Blade will be the first game to launch in this platform. Ashes of Creation, the hyped and crowdfunded MMORPG from Intrepid Studios – which gave birth to a spin-off Battle Royale game called Ashes of Creation: Apocalypse – will show up as well later on.

Oh, and there is a gift for you to claim before June 13, 2019, so head over there to get this MY.GAMES Celebration Pack that includes… well, you tell us.

Maybe it's not a bad idea to get used to this new portal. Who knows what kind of games will show up over there, considering that Mail.Ru is publishing Lost Ark in Russia and Mail.Ru owns My.com… Can you do the math?

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