Phantasy Star Online 2 only coming to NA for now, EMEA players sit tight and wait

Phantasy Star Online 2 North America EMEA

Yesterday's announcement of a North American release for Phantasy Star Online 2 dropped like a bomb, especially among the free-to-play community who had already given up hope. However, Sega wasn't exactly clear about the launch territories, something that stirred up players from Europe and other regions.

Now, Sega comes to address those worries by saying that “Regarding an EMEA release, there's nothing to confirm right now.” Oh well, not good. However, Sega does mention that it will share the news when it has them and to stay tuned.

So, players from Europe, the Middle East and Africa who are looking forward to Phantasy Star Online 2 have to sit tight and wait for updates on this situation. I'm willing to bet that Sega isn't leaving at least Europe out of the equation, as this is a region with many fans of the series.

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