Conqueror’s Blade to improve server stability and add one new map per week

Conquerors Blade server stability new map

Conqueror's Blade recently entered open beta and the potential within this medieval warfare MMO is palpable. However, it wasn't without its share of server stability and balancing issues.

Publisher is promising that its priority is working on server stability, with game balancing coming in a close second. An important update should be released this week to level the playing field, among other things.

The first Conqueror's Blade update is on the horizon, with a full announcement coming soon. It will bring a new unit line to research and command, but the most exciting detail comes with the reveal that a new map will be released each week leading up to the update. The first map is Valley Fortress and should be available before the next weekend.

Conqueror's Blade already features quite a few exciting battlefields, so this is great news as it expands your map selection.

Conqueror's Blade was developed by Booming Games and it's a truly impressive medieval action warfare simulator. You choose one Warlord among 10 classes and command your units in exciting castle sieges and field battles. If the server and balance issues are sorted out in the next few months, Conqueror's Blade will surely turn into a great game.

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