Torchlight Infinite mobile action RPG revealed for Asia

Torchlight Infinite mobile

It's a great time to be a Dragon Nest fan, with two games coming: Dragon Nest 2 and World of Dragon Nest. But as it turns out, Torchlight fans are also in for a treat with the upcoming Torchlight Frontiers and the recently announced Torchlight Infinite mobile action RPG.

Revealed during ChinaJoy 2019 (via MMOCulture), Torchlight Infinite is developed by Chinese studio XD (Xindong) after obtaining the rights from franchise owner Perfect World Entertainment. Games that serve as inspiration for Torchlight Infinite include Path of Exile, Titan Quest and Diablo 2.

Torchlight Infinite is being developed using Unreal Engine 4 and is still in an early stage. An high level of freedom is promised and the game won't include a restricting stamina system as many mobile games do. The core mechanic of the game is Magic Find, a feature that was seen in games such as Diablo 3.

The Torchlight Infinite mobile action RPG isn't an MMORPG and the focus in on single-player gameplay. However, there are co-op dungeons and other online elements that you can take advantage of if you so with. The business model will most likely be free-to-play, since XD mentions Fortnite and Dota 2 as inspirations, along with skins and Battle Passes.

Development in Torchlight Infinite is ongoing for over a year, with the IP agreement being signed recently. During the past year the studio has tried several art designs to settle on a style that fans of the Torchlight series will appreciate, but this is an aspect that is still evolving at the moment.

The Torchlight Infinite mobile action RPG is developed from the ground up and it's too early to talk about a western release.

The first Focus Group Test is planned for early 2020 and the public beta test is expected by late 2020.

Torchlight Infinite mobile classes

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