New character coming to Closers in September is beast girl Seth

Seth new character coming to Closers

I would do my best not to get on the bad size of Seth. The new character coming to Closers is Seth, the girl with two souls, one of them being a gnarly little creature with sharp teeth.

Apparently, Sekhmet took over Anna's body and is now in charge. Sekhmet is aged 13, while Anna was aged 17, so that gives us two distinct personalities in just one body. Both of them are pretty small though – 142 cm and just 39 kilos. There is no additional info on Seth, the new character coming to Closers for now, but she seems to be a melee-focused character from Team Wildhüter.

The Seth character creation event begins on August 27, with the update going live on September 10. Watch her introduction trailer below.

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