Maelstrom is a fast-paced fantasy World of Warships, now free-to-play

Maelstrom free-to-play naval warfare

If you like your tactical shooters such as World of Tanks and World of Warships, but prefer a fantasy setting, then Maelstrom could be the game for you. Besides, it's free-to-play now that it started Early Access.

Maelstrom was a $20 premium game during Early Access, but is now available to download for free. In the announcement, developer Gunpowder Games admits that the EA price worked, but moving forward as  a F2P game is important for a multiplayer title, since it opens the game to a larger player base.

Some of the Maelstrom free-to-play inner workings are detailed by the devs,  including the always appreciated absence of loot boxes. You can earn in-game currency by playing the game and everything is unlocked through progress. There is a cash shop where you can purchase the battle pass, cosmetics, boosters, and bundles using premium currency.

As for the future of Maelstrom, there are three new ships in the works, the Duels game mode, clans, leaderboards, and a lot more.

Despite its positive reviews, good looks, fast-paced gameplay, and jaw-dropping sea monsters, Maelstrom remains a somewhat niche game with an extremely low player base. Hopefully the free-to-play transition will give it the boost that it both needs and deserves.

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