Exos Heroes

Exos Heroes game download

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Exos Heroes info and release date PUBLISHER: LINE Games | DEVELOPER: Oozoo Inc.
GENRE: Hero Collector, RPG | THEME: Anime
PLATFORM: Mobile (Android and iOS) | STATUS: Final (May 2020 Global)

Exos Heroes is a hero collector RPG from Line Games and Oozoo Inc. Known for delivering the visually stunning Destiny Child to the world, the publisher is once again offering us a game with fantastic graphics and a substantial dose of beautiful heroes.

It's impossible to deny that the first thing that pops out as you see Exos Heroes is the fantastic art style. The design is almost on a league of its own, mixing elements of high fantasy and fairy tale inspirations to deliver a universe that feels unique and refreshing. Each hero is painstakingly created, with a level of detail that many other anime RPGs can only dream of. Featuring over 200 heroes that range from humans to machines and other races that defy description, it's an immense pleasure to grow your hero collection in Exos Heroes.

The gacha animation itself is worthy of praise, as bodacious  colleague Fergie announces that new recruits are about to board the airship. In a stunning animation, you discover if you're getting that much coveted 5-Star hero. Exos Heroes is fairly generous in this regard, distributing premium currency for free as you guide peculiar treasure hunter Zeon and newly-made friends in remarkable adventures.

Battles in Exos Heroes are based on the traditional hero collector RPG mechanics, but are neatly done. The action is fast and smooth, and the mana and break systems provide enough depth as to require some tactical thinking. Choosing your hero lineup, placing them on the front or back row, and paying attention to synergies is extremely important if you want to progress in the main story, and get yourself prepared for the ruthless PvP.

With many events, daily missions, minigames, and even a world map and various town hubs to freely explore, Exos Heroes offers the best of a hero collector. With remarkable 3D graphics driving the whole game, every fan of the genre should give it a go.

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