Dragon Raja EVA Lore | Was EVA a Real Person?

Dragon Raja EVA Lore

Inspired by the rich novel of the same name, Dragon Raja is a game with tons of lore and deep characters. As all players should know by now, you become invested in the storyline and the diverse cast, with fan favorites such as Luminous, Erii, EVA, Johann Chu, and others making quite an impression. Naturally, there's a lot more than what meets the eye – the Salon of INT quiz isn't afraid of spoiling some events as well -, and the game slowly unveils more details about the characters' past. EVA, the charming and bright Cassell College AI butler, is one of the most intriguing NPCs, but there's this theory doing the rounds: what if EVA once was a real girl? Read on to find out more about the Dragon Raja EVA lore and who she really was.

Dragon Raja EVA Lore and Backstory

Dragon Raja EVA Lore

Keep in mind that we're going to do a bit of speculating and researching that may amount to a whole lot of nothing. However, we are entirely convinced of one thing: EVA was indeed a real person before she was used as inspiration for the AI that welcomes and guides Cassell College students. Now that's quite a bittersweet story.

The first thing showing us that there's more to EVA than an holographic image of a girl is her ally biography. Go to allies, click on the gallery tab and find the EVA thumbnail. Choose her and read the biography to know a few things about her… very interesting things:

“A student from Cassell College whose teacher is the Vice Principal Leonardo Franco. She was dispatched to the SS mission “Greenland Plan”. However, she was killed in the ice sea during the quest.

In 2003, Cassell College built a super computer with personality. As the secretary of the college, it seems like Norma Laurence's hidden personality is created based on the dead EVA.”

Judging by EVA's bio, it's clear that she was just another student at Cassell College, going on missions just like the main character does. Apparently, one of the missions went terribly wrong and she was killed. Later, the super computer was built and its personality was based on the student that died.

However, a few things don't seem to make sense, possibly due to a localization mistake (unfortunately not uncommon for Dragon Raja) or unreleased content. Who is this Norma Laurence and what relation does she have with EVA? Or perhaps things are badly explained and Norma Laurence is in fact the name of the real EVA, the girl that die during the Greenland Plan mission?

Whatever it is, one thing we do know for sure: EVA was real… or at least the super computer was based off a real girl.

Dragon Raja EVA Romance and Looks

Dragon Raja EVA Lore real

Take a good look at the picture above. There's a white-haired girl that stands out, right? That girl is clearly labeled as EVA, alongside a few other allies that are available in Dragon Raja China, some of them being new faces that we're yet to meet in the global version.

This leads us to assume that this girl is the student that died on a mission, the real EVA. There's one more proof that EVA was indeed real.

But things become even more interesting thanks to the combined efforts of a few Dragon Raja fans in a Reddit thread started by u/CurrentlyUnstable. There is obvious evidence that the real EVA was very close to Finger, a.k.a. Fingall Von Frings as he was known, pointing to a relationship between the two. The Risk in Mirror anecdote hints at this when you find Finger and EVA, but the evidence goes way deeper than this.

Finger's biography reads that he is a former A class student that has been an F class for a few years because he doesn't want to learn. However, there is a story behind his fall from grace, part of it revealed via the Lost Memory Allies bio. According to Reddit user cxndyflosss, apparently it says that after his girlfriend EVA died, his rank dropped and he became the first G rank student at Cassell College. He has been a student for about eight years.

But there's more evidence suggesting that Finger and EVA were lovers. Reddit user yzqi0399 adds that the manhua (Chinese comics) for novel two showed Finger visiting EVA's server room for a conversation where they seemed very close. It was also implied that Finger, an A rank student, dropped from his rank to his current F rank because of a mission that went wrong during his first year – most likely the Greenland Plan mission.

We can safely conclude that not only EVA was a real person, and a beautiful white-haired student at that, but she was the victim of a tragic and early demise. Besides, the careless and gossip-loving Finger was most likely his boyfriend and that is why he stays around Cassell College, in a bid to stick close to EVA, the AI butler.

What are your thoughts on the Dragon Raja EVA lore? Does everything fit perfectly or not, and do you have any other info to share with the community?

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