Free-to-play mech shooter EXOMECHA is Crysis before Crysis 4

Free-to-play mech shooter EXOMECHA

Confused about that headline? Allow me to explain. New Delaware-based studio Twisted Red has just announced the shooter EXOMECHA, its first game. This is a free-to-play mech-based FPS that offers team-based large scale battles, a unique battle royale game mode, and an objective-based game mode.

The shooter EXOMECHA is coming to PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X and the devs are promising a flexible playing style, mechs, unique gadgets and abilities, and boss battles. The reveal trailer shows some of these features and the similarities with Crysis are patent in the exosuit and weapon designs.

Free-to-play mech shooter EXOMECHA

However, that doesn't mean that every game that features soldiers wearing exosuits is inspired by the popular rig-destroying game, but seeing that Crytek and Activision are working on Crysis 4, the comparison is timely.

The EXOMECHA release date is set for late 2021, and you can sign up for the upcoming beta on the official website. Take a look at the trailer below and get those Crysis vibes running.

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