Call of Duty Warzone

Call of Duty Warzone game download

screensCall of Duty Warzone game download
Call of Duty Warzone info and release date PUBLISHER: Activision | DEVELOPER: Infinity Ward
GENRE: Shooter, Battle Royale | THEME: Military
PLATFORM: Download | STATUS: Final (March 10, 2020 on PC, PS4, Xbox One)

Call of Duty Warzone is Activision's massive foray in the battle royale genre. Following on the initially successful footsteps of Blackout, Warzone goes one step further with the inclusion of original mechanics and a scope that most games can only dream of.

Warzone is a free to play game for PC, PS4, and Xbox One and supports cross-platform play. Up to 150 players may join in, with two main game modes waiting for you to play in solo, duos, or trios options.

You can play Warzone in the traditional Battle Royale mode, or if you prefer a way to spice up the gameplay, you can choose the Plunder alternative. Plunder is a game mode where you fight to earn the largest sum of in-game cash. You can do so by looting across the map, stealing other players' hard-earned cash, or by completing contracts.

Contracts are new objective-oriented missions in Warzone that you can find and activate across the massive map of Verdansk. You can only activate one contract at a time, so choose wisely. Rewards for completing contracts include in-game cash and various types of loot. This is a feature that other shooters such as The Cycle already include, but yet remains an interesting addition to any shooter, adding diversity to the gameplay.

Warzone introduces an innovative mechanic in the shape of the Gulag. This is a prison where players who are eliminated for the first time will be thrown into, but it gives you a chance to come back swinging. You will be matched with another player in a 1v1 fight, with the reward for the winner being the return to the battlefield. The loser can only hope that his squad earns enough cash to buy his way back into the fray.

With 150 players scattered across the land, it takes a long time to explore the 300 regions and discover its landmarks. That's why you have five vehicles at your disposal at launch: ATV, Cargo Truck, SUV, Helicopter, and Tactical Rover.

The Call of Duty Warzone game download is entirely free and the game is going to be supported by a battle pass. To play Warzone on PC you must have a account.

Call of Duty Warzone gameplay trailer

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