

PUBLISHER: Cyberstep | DEVELOPER: Cyberstep
GENRE: MMORPG | THEME: Anime, Fantasy
PLATFORM: Download | STATUS: Final

Onigiri is a free-to-play anime game developed by Cyberstep and based on the myths, fables, stories, and legends of old Japan. You, a descendant of the ancient Oni, and your 8 companions, must set forth against the Kamigui and their hidden masters, the Goikkou. Onigiri offers several character models to choose from, including the muscular male or the glamorous female, with customization possible in details such as hair style and color, eye color and tattoos, among others.

Onigiri features a fast-paced action battle system with immediate weapon change and skill use, similar to games such as Tera Rising or Vindictus. The 8 companions don't just accompany you into battle, they bring their own specialties to assist your journey. As your bonds of friendship grow deeper, they will develop their specific abilities. For example the merchant Miroku will sell better gear for a lower price, as you grow closer.

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