There’s a new free Dragon Ball Z game coming to PC

Dragon Ball Z XKeeperz

There's nothing that Bandai Namco loves more than releasing new Dragon Ball Z games. Not to my knowledge anyway. And just when Dragon Ball FighterZ is kicking butt in PC and consoles, the team has just announced another DBZ game for PC.

Don't get your hopes up, though. Dragon Ball Z: XKeeperz is a PC browser-based game, and it's probably going to remain as an exclusive launch in Japan. This seems to be a very simple fighting (?) game where you control your characters (some of their actions, anyway) with the mouse. Just as MMOCulture says, it's surprising that this isn't a mobile game instead, considering that… well, are PCs really made for this kind of games?

Have a look at a few seconds of “gameplay” below, and let me know what you think of it.

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