Black Desert gets world view and quests trailer

With the upcoming Black Desert open beta, Daum Games and Pearl Abyss keep releasing new videos to fuel our interest or, in case you can't actually play, to get you hyped for the North America and Europe releases. This time it's a couple of trailers with a very decent length and completely distinct focus – one shows the beautiful, vast and diverse game world while the other gives you a taste of all the hard work you'll get to do in this highly anticipated MMORPG.

So, the world tour video is over 12 minutes of traveling and showcasing numerous regions, from the busiest cities to the most deserted plains. There's even a desert, but it's not… well, black. We can't wait to explore the world again and travel to some of the new locations in this open beta.

As for the second video, there's a lot of hard work going on, as well as plenty of mini-games and NPC relationships. You'll be able to do some sheep carrying, pumpkin planting, chimney cleaning, and sometimes Assassin's Creed your way around the game world (i.e. stealth).

All in all, this is proof that Black Desert Online is way more than pretty graphics, an awesome character creation system and a fast-paced combat system. The Black Desert Korean open beta begins December 12, but lucky players will be able to download the client on December 10 and create their characters from December 12 to December 15.

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