A couple of days ago NCsoft revealed that the Japanese version of Blade & Soul became free-to-play. This is great news for players in Japan, considering that this acclaimed MMORPG was plagued by expensive monthly subscriptions ($30 USD per month), and the fact that it was free up to level 15 didn't make up for that fact at all. So, the P2P business model for B&S Japan, which launched in May 2014, only lasted for nearly a year.
Other territories are already running Blade & Soul with a free-to-play business model, such as Russia, Taiwan and China, with Korean players being the only pay-to-play community in this game, something that is becoming an issue for NCsoft. There are also the North American and European versions of Blade and Soul, which are free… no, wait… pay-to… Oh, right, NOTHING AT ALL for over 2 years and counting!
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