Dawn’s Children faction hover into Crossout with new update

Dawn's Children faction

Crossout's new faction Dawn's Children has just entered the wastelands. These gifted scientists are available to everyone who have reached reputation level 10 with the Nomads. Yes, scientists, not just your common post-apocalyptic knucklehead. What this means is that they add some ingenious stuff to their vehicles, turning the concept of armored cars on its head. They're led by Ryley, a he or a she, as no one actually knows the gender of this mysterious human – or monster, as people say that it's not a person under that sealed suit anymore.

Dawn's Children are known for their invention of the hover, vertically positioned jet engines that give the cars enough stability to soar a few inches above the ground. They also work on weapons such as Plasma emitters and a Tesla cannon Spark III, among many others. This faction is definitely well equipped for the fight.

There's more to this Crossout content update with the new PvE raid Chase for a squad of four players, and the Convoy Escort raid went through some fixes to make it more appealing. We'll round everything up with the new map Cursed Mines, which is only available in Chase and Escort modes, and the new map Broken Arrow.

Check the full 0.8.0 patch notes for all the details on this significant update and watch the Dawn's Children trailer below.

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