Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is now available in pretty much every country in the world

Harry Potter Wizards Unite is now available

If Harry Potter with the gameplay of Pokémon Go is your idea of a match made in heaven, then rejoice: Niantic's Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is rolling out to pretty much every country in the world. Or, at least, every country that has Internet connection and GPS services.

Niantic just released Harry Potter: Wizards Unite for dozens of countries, following on the recent UK and US launch, with more regions coming soon.

If you don't know what Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is, then allow me to explain. This is the latest Augmented Reality game from Niantic, creators of Pokémon Go, with the help of Warner Bros. This time you can live the life of a wizard since the game is based on J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series. Just like the previous game, you have to go outside and walk around, looking for creatures to battle in full 360-degree with your spells, and items to pick up.

Is Harry Potter: Wizards Unite going to reach the same level of success that Pokémon Go managed? Will everyone and their mom go outside and mindlessly walk around staring at the phone? Time will tell.

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