GTArcade is slowly revealing the sections of the League of Angels 2 website and this time it's the Angels/Heroes section where you'll get to know some of the new heroes and angels for this game. No matter what you think about the game mechanics of the first League of Angels and pretty sure of this sequel too, you have to admit that these guys absolutely excel at art design.
One of the new angels is Teressa, who was born from the union of an angel and a dragon, which reminds us that the new season of Game of Thrones is almost here. There's also the Angel of Void, whose body is in fact inhabited by the souls of two twin sisters, the elder sister representing light and the younger one representing shadow.
If you're curious about the game, you can check plenty of League of Angels 2 gameplay right away. The beta shouldn't take long and the launch is planned for 2016.
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