MapleStory Nova: Liberation of Cadena update goes live with new character

MapleStory Nova

The new MapleStory update, one of the biggest to grace this classic MMORPG is now live. Called Nova: Liberation of Cadena, it brings a new character, fifth job skills and more.

First and foremost, we have the new character, Cadena. She is the sole survivor of the evil Magnus’ attack on the Heliseum royal family and a streetwise Thief hoping for revenge against Magnus, using a trusty chain as her main weapon. Then we have fifth job skills for all class types, several gameplay additions such as an increased character slot of up to 42 characters per world and an item drop confirmation prompt, among other improvements.

The list goes on with the new Maple Achievements feature, the Spirit Savior daily dungeon, some new events and more. You can watch the video below for more details on this big MapleStory update.

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