Second Closers alpha weekend is coming, four more to follow

Closers alpha weekend

The first Closers alpha weekend in North America and Europe is done, and now it's time for the second alpha. But first, some interesting numbers from the initial alpha, courtesy of publisher En Masse Entertainment.

The lucky chosen played Closers Online for more than 4,710 hours, which equals about 196 days of non-stop gaming. That would be impossible for the common human being (you don't say!), but all your efforts combined resulted in three days and many hours of gaming. Only 72 players managed to reach level 50, while just three of you reached max level. Well done, you guys! We hope all three of you didn't forget to eat and sleep, you shouldn't neglect that.

Anyway, the second Closers western alpha begins this Friday, September 22 at 8:00 a.m. PDT and ends Sunday, September 24 at 11:59 p.m. PDT. This will be used not only for players to get familiar with the game, but mostly for En Masse to gather precious feedback on bugs, and also on features, such as the always controversial Stamina system.

In case you didn't get access to this alpha, do not despair. Four more alpha weekends are coming, so sign up at the official website for a chance to participate. Here is the full Closers alpha weekend schedule.

closers alpha schedule

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