Hi-Rez has announced that the free-to-play MOBA SMITE has just entered closed beta on Xbox One. Players who want to join the beta need to sign up at www.SmiteGame.com/Xbox or purchase a Xbox One Founder’s Pack for instant beta access, as well as all current and future Gods and other in-game content.
The bundle retails for GBP £20.99/EUR €23.99 and features almost double that amount in content, including: every God currently in the game (63 so far) and all Gods still to come in the future; 400 Gems; and two exclusive skins – Ares “Soldier of War” and the Limited Ymir “Cacodemon X” skin. The Founder’s Pack is only available for a limited time and will be discontinued when the game launches on Xbox One later this year. All purchases, progress and achievements earned in closed beta will transfer seamlessly into the launch version.
PC players also have the option for a one-time account merge to copy select progress and items from their SMITE PC accounts to their Xbox One accounts. Players who choose to link their accounts will receive a free Zeus Xbox skin for both platforms.
For more information about SMITE for Xbox One, you can visit the FAQ.
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