It took a while, but just as Sony Online Entertainment announced, H1Z1 is now on Steam Early Access. For those who tend to mix things a lot, let's clear this up: H1Z1 is a free-to-play game, but if you want to join in the fun right now you have to pay for one of two options: Standard – $19.99 USD (includes Early Access to H1Z1, as well as 3 Event Tickets, 2 Crates and 1 Crate Key) or Premium – $39.99 USD (includes Early Access to H1Z1, as well as 25 Event Tickets, 3 Airdrop Tickets, 6 Crates, 4 Crate Keys and an exclusive Aviator Hat Crafting Recipe).
But it's Early Access, so you should know by now what this implies. In the case of H1Z1, the team was kind enough to tell us that there's a whole lot of unfinished and buggy stuff going on, including placeholder artwork, unfinished character models and water that is only knee-deep, so you can't drown. Or swim. In other words, you're paying to play early and to provide feedback to the developers as to what should be improved or fixed.
A new trailer called The Easy Life was also released. Take a look at it and when you want to complain about your work or your neighbors, remember that it would be a lot worse having to deal with a zombie apocalypse.
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