SMITE welcomes Ah Puch, Horrific God of Decay, and new skins

Just as we announced a week ago, the free-to-play MOBA SMITE is welcoming a new god, Ah Puch. Aptly named Horrific God of Decay, Ah Puch hails from the Ninth Hell, the lowest and most horrible of them all, and is mostly recognized for his gruesome skull face.

Ah Puch’s ultimate ability, Empty the Crypts, unleashes a lane-filling army of wraiths from the Ninth Hell that swarm forward and deal damage to enemies they collide with. You can learn everything about this new contender by watching the reveal trailer below.

This patch also brings a few new skins, including “Kawaii Pop” Bastet, “Void Wyrm” Kukulkan, “Executioner” Nemesis and “Desert Queen” Serqet. You can see the skins here.

We should have an Ah Puch giveaway soon, so keep following us!

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