Tower of Fantasy HT201 Shelter Door Password Guide

Tower of Fantasy HT201 Shelter Door Password

Tower of Fantasy is a game with many secrets, some of them cleverly hidden in unsuspecting places. Door codes is one of the recurring features, but some of you may be resourceful enough as to discover the clues and crack the door passwords. Others, however, may become frustrated with the need to roam the surroundings and prefer to have the answer immediately. Your first locked door is located in the Banges region, and this Tower of Fantasy HT201 Shelter door password guide will crack the code for you.

What is the Tower of Fantasy HT201 Shelter Door Code?

Tower of Fantasy HT201 Shelter Door Code

Don't Miss: Tower of Fantasy Password Guide | All Door Codes and Passwords

First things first. You need to follow the main storyline to discover where on planet Aida this Energy Door, as these defensive devices are called, is located. You can find the door pictured above in south Banges, in the HT201 Shelter area – coordinates are (89.6, 967.6) and you won't miss it because there's this quirky old lady with a cane and a puppy on her lap right in front of the energy screen.

If you explore the region you may discover the clues to assemble the DDR door code, as it is labeled. Barrier Password Memory devices are scattered and each one holds one number and the position in the four-digit code.

However, we're going to spare you the effort. The Banges HT201 Shelter door password is 1647. Go to the code panel and enter this number to deactivate the barrier.

Inside you'll find a Type II Supply Pod containing Gold Nucleus x1, Omnium Beast: Left Arm x1, Banges Exploration Points x25, Gold x450, EXP x5,631, and Dark Crystal x50.

In case you take too long to leave and the barrier activates again, locking you inside – it may happen in other locations as well -, your only option to escape this prison is by opening the map and teleporting to another region in the world.

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