TERA: New Brawler class revealed, arrives this December

The cat is finally out of the bag – not that we didn't know already that the Brawler was going to be the new class coming to TERA, but this is the first thing that En Masse shows about the class. The Brawler is coming with the December update, aptly titled Knockout, along with two new dungeons, the pirate-themed Kalivan’s Dreadnaught, and the haunted Forsaken Island. It also brings new endgame armor: the tier 8 Dreadnaught set and the tier 9 Starfall set.

The Brawler is a great class to keep the enemies distracted by attacking them directly and using diverse abilities, almost like in a fighting game. On a side note, the Brawler is a human female class that starts at level 1, so this class is gender-locked, in case you didn't know already.

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