Secret World Legends reveals update roadmap for 2017

Secret World Legends

Funcom has released its Secret World Legends plans for the rest of the year. After the release of the new Elite dungeons on July 5, more content is coming later this month. Things start off with a continuation of the story mission, with a return to Transylvania. A special event titled The Whispering Tide will drop sometime between July and August, and a new chapter of the main story mission (Inner Kaidan, Tokyo) releases in August, the same month when the challenging outdoor areas called Lairs launch, where you can summon powerful bosses.

September brings the first New York raid, but now you have to fight the Unutterable Lurker for real. This month also brings Outer Kaidan (Tokyo) and The Orochi Tower, two missions from the main storyline. October brings an Halloween-themed event where you have to fight the Cat god himself, and December has a Winter event, which will surely offer plenty of snowmen and Christmas-related items.

Sometime in late 2017 or early 2018 we'll get to explore the dark corners of Agartha, the Agent System (set a team of rookie agents and send them on adventures of their own), and the continuation of the main storyline in a new country.

All the details can be seen here.

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