Savage Hunt: Dragon’s Prophet (re)launched today, so what’s new?

Savage Hunt: Dragon's Prophet

After a false start – the initial launch was planned for September 28, 2017, so this is quite a delay -, Savage Hunt: Dragon's Prophet just went live today. But… doesn't the name sound familiar?

That's because it is familiar. Dragon's Prophet is the dragon hunting, taming and riding game that Daybreak decided to shut down in North America in 2015. However, the European server remained live during all these years. Now, Gamigo is launching the successor… erm… revamp… hmmm… spiritual sequel… I'm not quite sure yet, it was called many things when it was revealed.

But how does Savage Hunt differs exactly from the original Dragon's Prophet? Well, according to this thread and community manager Ildruin's reply, “the core difference is, that dragons are for free now! This is the chance to go into the future together and see what it brings!”

So, Savage Hunt is pretty much Dragon's Prophet, except that you don't have to buy dragons, you only have to find them, and there are over 600 in the game. If you want to go back to Dragon's Prophet, or try it out for the first time, you can download the game at the official website.

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