Full reveal of EVE Online shooter spin-off Project Nova coming soon

Project Nova eve online

It's been a while since EVE Online developer CCP has said anything about Project Nova, the free-to-play FPS set in the EVE universe. But it seems that they are about to make a full reveal soon (in a few months, apparently), considering that now you can sign up for news and announcements at the official website. Project Nova is a PC exclusive and CCP is developing the game with the valuable help of renowned British studio Sumo Digital.

Project Nova is CCP's “third” try at a first-person shooter. Project Nova is a more focused version of Project Legion, which in its turn was created from the ashes of DUST 514. It's all tied up together, although in a somewhat messy way. At launch, Project Nova won't be connected to EVE Online, as CCP originally intended, with the plan being to create a great shooter first, and then incorporate it into the EVE universe. This was decided after getting feedback from over 10,000 players.

Obviously, Project Nova's battles will be set within spaceships and space stations, but the developers are planning on taking the fight to planet surfaces after launch.

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